Omaha Hi Lo Poker Hand ranking

Once you have learnt How to Play Omaha Hi/Lo, it is important to understand the Hand Rankings. In Omaha Hi/Lo, the regular poker hand ranking is followed for the high hand whereas a set of rules are defined for making the low hand.

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Hand Ranking for the High Hand:

 Royal Flush

 A royal flush is an ace high straight flush.



10 heartjack heartqueen heartking heartace heart

 Straight Flush

 Five cards of the same suit in numerical order.



5 diamond6 diamond7 diamond8 diamond9 diamond

 Four of a Kind (Quads)

 Quads are four cards of equal rank/any suit.



ace clubace diamondace heartace spade8 diamond

 Full House or Full Boat

 Three of a kind and a Pair.



king clubking diamondking heart7 spade7 heart

 Five cards of the same suit.



queen diamond2 diamond3 diamond4 diamond5 diamond

 Five cards in numerical order.



7 diamond8 heart9 diamond10 spadejack club

 Three of a Kind / Set

 Three cards of the same rank.



8 heart8 diamond8 club5 heart4 diamond

 Two Pair

 Two different pairs.



3 heart3 diamond5 spade5 heartace club

 One Pair

 Two cards of the same rank.



9 club9 diamond5 diamond3 diamond8 heart

 High Card

 The hand with the highest card(s) wins.



5 diamondking club7 heartace clubqueen diamond


* You can make 10♥ J♦ Q♣ K♠ A♥(ten-to-ace straight) or form A♠ 2♥ 3♦ 4♠ 5♦ (ace-to-five straight) with an Ace. But you cannot form K♠ A♣ 2♦ 3♠ 4♥ (King-to-four straight)

Criteria for making a Low Hand:

A low Hand is any combination of five cards (2 hole cards + 3 community cards) of value equal to or less than 8. In simple terms, A, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 forms the Low Hands where A is taken as of value 1.

  1. There must be 3 community cards of value less than or equal to 8.

  2. None of the cards in a Low Hand can be paired. E.g. A♠ 2♣ 2♥ 4♣ 8♠ can’t be a Low hand because of the pair 2♣ 2♥.

  3. Low hands are counted from the top to down. Lower the card denominations, stronger the Low Hand. For example: If player A has 5♥6♦9♥K♣ hole cards and player B has A♠5♠9♦Q♣ hole cards and the community cards are 2♠3♣4♥10♠9♣, then player B with A♠2♠3♣4♥5♠ will win over player A with 2♠3♣4♥5♥6♦.

  4. Flushes and straights are not considered for the low hand, meaning the best possible low hand is A-2-3-4-5 regardless of suits.

  5. Suits do not count for a low hand. Hence, the players making the same low hand equally split the low half of the pot. (Winning half of the Low pot, and nothing from the High pot is known as being quartered.)

To help understand the rankings of low hands, a list of 10 qualifying low hands (not a complete list of all low hands) is given below from the least powerful to the most strong.

  1. 8-7-6-5-4
  2. 8-7-6-5-3
  3. 8-6-4-2-A
  4. 8-4-3-2-A
  5. 7-6-5-4-2
  6. 7-6-5-2-A
  7. 7-5-4-3-2
  8. 6-5-4-3-2
  9. 6-4-3-2-A
  10. 5-4-3-2-A


A low hand is named as per its highest card. Let’s have a look at some specific low hands:

Five Low or Wheel


Six Low


Seven Low


Eight Low



In case, two or more players make a low hand with same denomination high card, the 2nd highest card is evaluated to determine the best low hand. For example-  7-5-4-3-2 (Seven-Five-Low) will beat 7-6-5-2-A (Seven-Six-Low).


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