Call Break

call break

Call Break game, also known as Lakadi or Ghochi card game, is a popular trick-taking card game played in South Asian countries such as India, Pakistan, Nepal, and Bangladesh. The game is played with a standard 52-card deck and can be played by 2 to 5 players.

Trump Call Break

Trump Call Break is a popular variation of the traditional Call Break card game.

In Trump Call Break, players have to bid on the number of tricks they think they can win in a round. In addition to this, a trump suit is chosen for each round. The trump suit is a special suit that has the power to beat any other suit in the game. For example, if the trump suit for a round is spades, any card from the spades suit can beat any card from any other suit in the game.

The game begins with players bidding on the number of tricks they think they can win in a round. Once the bidding is complete, the game proceeds with players taking turns playing a card from their hand. The player who plays the highest card of the suit wins the trick. 

If a player does not have a card of the suit led, they can play a trump card if they have one. If the trump suit is played, the highest trump card played wins the trick, even if it is not the highest card of the suit led. If a player does not have a card of the suit led or a trump card, they can play any card.

The scoring system in Trump Call Break is similar to the traditional CallBreak game, with the player who wins the exact number of tricks they bid scoring 10 points plus the number of tricks won. For each trick won over or under the bid, the player loses one point.

The Trump Call Break variation adds a new strategic element to the game, as players must not only consider the cards in their hand but also the trump suit for the round. Players must bid and play their cards accordingly to maximize their chances of winning tricks and ultimately winning the game.

The game adds a new strategic element by introducing a trump suit for each round. Players must bid and play their cards carefully to win tricks and ultimately win the game.

Call Break Fantasy

Call Break Fantasy is a popular online multiplayer card game that is based on the traditional CallBreak card game played in South Asian countries. It is a strategic and engaging game that can be played on various online platforms.

In Call Break Fantasy, the objective of the game is to win as many tricks as possible by playing cards from your hand. The game is played with a standard 52-card deck, and each player is dealt a hand of cards at the beginning of the game. The player who wins the most tricks at the end of the game is the winner.

One of the main differences between CallBreak Fantasy and the traditional Call Break game is that the game is played online with players from around the world. The game is played in real-time, which adds to the excitement of the game. The game also allows players to chat with each other during the game, adding a social aspect to the game.

Call Break Fantasy has different rooms, each with different levels of difficulty. Players can choose to play in rooms with players of similar skill levels or challenge themselves by playing in rooms with more experienced players. This makes the game suitable for players of all skill levels.

In addition to the standard game, Call Break Fantasy also has a tournament mode where players can compete against each other for prizes. The tournament mode is a great way to test your skills against other players and win prizes.

To become a Call break pro, players need to have a good understanding of the rules of the game. The game follows the basic rules of the traditional Call Break game, but there are some variations in the rules that players need to be aware of. For example, in CallBreak Fantasy, the scoring system is different from the traditional game.

Call Break Tournament

Call Break Tournament is a popular multiplayer card game tournament that is based on the traditional Call Break card game played in South Asian countries. It is a highly competitive and engaging tournament that can be played on various online platforms.

The Call Break Tournament is typically played over a period of time, with multiple rounds leading up to the final round. The tournament can be organised on a small or large scale, depending on the number of players participating.

The objective of the CallBreak Tournament is to win as many tricks as possible by playing cards from your hand. The game is played with a standard 52-card deck, and each player is dealt a hand of cards at the beginning of each round.

 Players are divided into groups based on their skill level, and each group plays against each other to determine the winner of that group. The winners of each group then compete against each other until a final winner is declared.

In addition to the standard game, CallBreak Tournament also has special rules and variations. For example, players may be required to bid on the number of tricks they think they can win before the game begins. There may also be a trump suit chosen for each round, which has the power to beat any other suit in the game.

The scoring system in the Call Break Tournament is different from the traditional game. Players are awarded points for the number of tricks they win, and the player with the highest number of points at the end of the tournament is declared the winner.

CallBreak Tournament is a highly competitive and engaging tournament that is enjoyed by players from all around the world. It is a great way to test your card-playing skills and to socialise with other players. Players can win prizes and recognition for their skill level by playing on a Call break earning app.

What Is Call Break (Lakdi) Game

The game Call Break is known as Lakdi in India because the Hindi word "Lakdi" means "wood," and the game was traditionally played with wooden cards. The wooden cards were a popular choice for playing the game because they were durable and could withstand heavy use. However, today the game is commonly played with standard playing cards, but the name Lakdi has stuck and is still used to refer to the game in India.

Rules of Call Break Card Game

The rules of CallBreak are as follows:

  • The game begins with players placing a bid on the number of tricks they think they can win in that round. The bid is the number of tricks that the player will win in that round.
  • The player who places the highest bid becomes the declarer for that round. The declarer gets to choose the trump suit for that round.
  • The game proceeds in a clockwise direction, with each player playing one card from their hand in turn. The player who played the highest card of the trump suit or the highest card of the lead suit wins the trick.
  • Players are required to follow suit, which means that they must play a card of the same suit as the lead card if they have one.
  • If a player does not have a card of the lead suit or the trump suit, they can play any card from their hand.

The Player Who Wins The Trick Leads The Next Trick.

At the end of each round, the players count the number of tricks they have won. If a player has won the exact number of tricks they bid, they score 10 points for each trick won. If they win more or fewer tricks than their bid, they score 1 point for each trick won.

The game continues for a predetermined number of rounds, and the player with the highest score at the end of the game is declared the winner.

Call Break Scoring System

The scoring system in Call Break is based on the number of tricks won by each player in a round. A trick is a set of four cards played by each player, one card at a time. The scoring system is designed to reward players who accurately predict the number of tricks they can win and to penalise those who overbid or underbid.

The basic scoring system in Call Break is as follows:

  • If a player wins the exact number of tricks they bid, they score 10 points for each trick won.
  • If a player wins more or fewer tricks than they bid, they score 1 point for each trick won.
  • If a player wins all 13 tricks in a round, they score 26 points.

For example, if a player bids 5 and wins exactly 5 tricks, they will score 50 points (5 x 10). If they bid 5 but only win 3 tricks, they will score 3 points (1 x 3). If they bid 5 and win 7 tricks, they will score 7 points (1 x 7).

In addition to the basic scoring system, there are also penalty points that are awarded to players who fail to meet their bid or to the declarer who fails to win the number of tricks they bid. These penalty points are typically equal to the number of tricks the player is short.

For example, if a player bids 5 and only wins 3 tricks, they will receive a penalty of 2 points (2 x 1). If the declarer bids 7 and only wins 6 tricks, they will receive a penalty of 1 point.

The game continues for a predetermined number of rounds, and the player with the highest score at the end of the game is declared the winner.

How to Play Call Break Online

Playing Call Break online is a great way to enjoy the game with friends and family, even when you're not in the same location. You can download Callbreak game easily from Play store or App store. 

Recently, there has been a growing trend of playing Call Break online for real money. This means that players can participate in online games and tournaments with other players from around the world and win real money if they are skilled enough to win the game.

Choose a platform: There are several Call break apps available online that allow you to play Call Break with other players. Download call break game that is compatible with your device and has the features you want.

Create an account: Once you have chosen a platform, you will need to create an account. This usually involves providing some basic information such as your name and email address. You may also need to create a username and password.

Join a game: Once you have created an account, you can join a game of CallBreak. Some platforms offer different modes of play, such as single player, multiplayer, or tournaments. Choose the mode of play that you prefer.

Place a bid: In Call Break game online, the game begins with players placing a bid on the number of tricks they think they can win in that round. The bid is the number of tricks that the player will win in that round. Once you have joined a game, you will be prompted to place your bid.

Play your cards: The game proceeds in a clockwise direction, with each player playing one card from their hand in turn. 

You can play Callbreak game offline as well with a group of friends or family. With its simple rules and strategic gameplay, it is sure to provide hours of entertainment and fun.

Call Break Old

Call Break has evolved over time, with different versions and variations being played in different regions. The older versions of CallBreak were played mainly in Nepal and India, and they have some differences from the modern version of the game.

The old version of Call Break was played with a deck of 32 cards, rather than the standard deck of 52 cards. The deck consisted of eight cards in each of the four suits: spades, hearts, diamonds, and clubs. In the old version, there were no jokers or trump cards.

The gameplay in the old version of Call Break was similar to the modern version, with each player being dealt a certain number of cards and trying to win as many tricks as possible. However, there were some differences in the rules. For example, players were not allowed to lead with a trump card in the first trick, and there were restrictions on when a player could play a trump card.

Another significant difference in the old version of CallBreak was the scoring system. In the modern version, players are awarded points for the number of tricks they win, with bonus points for making their bid. In the old version, the scoring was based on the number of points each player won in each trick, rather than the number of tricks won. Players had to try to win high-value cards to accumulate points and avoid taking cards with low point values.

Despite these differences, the basic gameplay and objective of CallBreak remained the same in the old version. It was still a fun and challenging card game that required strategy and skill to play well.

Common Terms Used in Call Break

Call Break has its own set of terms that are commonly used by players. Here are some of the most common terms used in CallBreak game:

Bid: The number of tricks a player predicts they can win in a round.

Trump: The suit that has been selected as the trump for the round. Any card from the trump suit can beat a card from any other suit.

Lead: The first card played in a trick. The player who wins the trick gets to lead the next one.

Trick: A set of cards played by each player in a round. The player who wins the trick leads the next one.

Follow suit: A rule in CallBreak that requires players to play a card of the same suit as the lead card if they have one.

Call: A bid of zero tricks. Players who call are trying to avoid winning any tricks in the round.

Hand: The set of cards dealt to each player at the beginning of the game.

Break: The act of playing a trump card to win a trick.

Cut: The act of playing a trump card to beat a card of another suit.

Nil: A bid of zero tricks, similar to a call.

Tips & Tricks to Win Call Break

Here are some tips and tricks that can help you win Call Break:

Understand the game: Before you start playing, it's important to understand Call break rules and scoring system of Call Break. This will help you make informed decisions during the game.

Pay attention to the trump suit: The trump suit is a powerful tool in CallBreak. Keep track of which suit has been selected as trump and try to collect as many trump cards as possible.

Bid wisely: Be realistic when placing your bid. Don't overestimate your abilities and bid for more tricks than you can realistically win. Conversely, don't underestimate yourself and bid too low. Bid according to your skill level and the cards in your hand.

Know when to call: Sometimes it's better to call and try to avoid winning any tricks than to risk losing points by overbidding. Assess the cards in your hand and make a decision based on your chances of winning.

Keep track of the cards played: Pay attention to the cards played in each trick and try to remember which cards are still in play. This can help you make more informed decisions later in the game.

Follow suit: The follow suit rule is an important aspect of Call Break. Try to keep track of which suits have been played and which are still in play, and play accordingly.

Take calculated risks: Sometimes taking a calculated risk can pay off in CallBreak game. If you have a strong hand, don't be afraid to bid for more tricks than you usually would. Similarly, if you are behind in points, taking a risk to try to catch up may be worth it.

By following these tips and tricks, you can improve your chances of winning at Call Break

Variations of the Call Break Game

Here are some of the most common Call Break variations:

Trump Call:

In this variation, players are allowed to call a trump suit before the game begins. This adds an element of strategy to the game, as players must decide which suit to call in order to maximise their chances of winning.

Individual Call:

In this variation, each player places a bid for the number of tricks they think they can win. This adds an element of competition to the game, as each player is trying to outbid the others.

Partnership Call:

In this variation, players are divided into teams and work together to win tricks. Each team places a joint bid for the number of tricks they think they can win.

Double Call:

In this variation, players are allowed to call two trump suits instead of one. This makes the game more challenging, as players must keep track of two trump suits instead of one.

Blind Call:

In this variation, players must place their bids before seeing their cards. This adds an element of risk to the game, as players must rely on their intuition and experience to place a bid.

Progressive Call:

In this variation, players must increase their bid each round. This adds an element of strategy to the game, as players must decide when to increase their bid and when to play it safe.

Cut-throat Call:

In this variation, players are not allowed to call a trump suit. Instead, the suit of the first card played in each trick becomes the trump suit for that trick.

Each variation of CallBreak has its own unique rules and challenges, making it a game that can be enjoyed in many different ways.

Interesting Facts About Call Break Game Online

Here are some interesting facts about Call Break taas game online:


Call Break is believed to have originated in Nepal and India. It is also known as Lakdi or Lakadi in some regions.


Call Break is a popular card game in South Asia, and it is widely played in countries such as Nepal, India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan.

Online Version:

CallBreak has gained popularity in recent years as an online game. There are many websites and mobile apps that offer Call Break game online.

Call Break Multiplayer:

Call Break can be played as a multiplayer game online, allowing players from all over the world to compete against each other.


Call Break is a game that requires strategy and skill. Players must be smart in their approach, making informed decisions based on the cards they have and the bid they have placed.

Card Deck:

The standard deck of 52 cards is used to play CallBreak, but sometimes, two decks are used to make the game more challenging.

Scoring System:

The scoring system in CallBreak is unique and varies from region to region. In some variations, the scoring system can be quite complex, with different values assigned to different cards.


Call Break has several variations, each with its own unique rules and challenges. Players can choose the variation that suits their playing style and preferences.

Cultural Significance:

Call Break is more than just a game for many people. It is a cultural tradition and a way to socialise with friends and family.

Call Break Game Related FAQs

Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about Call Break game:

What is a CallBreak game?

Call Break is a popular trick-taking card game that is played with a standard deck of 52 cards. The game is believed to have originated in Nepal and India, and it is widely played in South Asia.

How many players can play CallBreak game?

Call Break can be played with 3, 4 or 5 players. The game can also be played online with multiple players from different parts of the world.

What are the rules of Call Break?

The rules of CallBreak vary from region to region. However, the objective of the game is to win as many tricks as possible by playing the highest-ranking card in the suit that was led. Players place a bid at the beginning of each round, and the player who wins the most tricks scores the highest points.

What is a trump suit in Call Break?

In CallBreak, the trump suit is the suit that has been called by the player who won the bid. The trump suit has a higher value than the other suits, and any card from the trump suit can win a trick.

How is Call Break scored?

The scoring system in CallBreak varies from region to region. However, in general, players are awarded points based on the number of tricks they win, as well as the number of points they have bid at the beginning of the round.

Is Call Break a game of luck or skill?

Call Break is a game that requires both luck and skill. While the cards dealt to each player are determined by chance, players must use their skill and strategy to make the most of the cards they have been dealt and to outmanoeuvre their opponents.

Can Call Break be played online?

Yes, Call Break can be played online. There are many websites and mobile apps that offer CallBreak game online, allowing players from all over the world to compete against each other. The game is available on the Paytm app, which is a popular mobile wallet app in India. Plates can easily play against other players online and win Royal Call Break Game Paytm Cash. 

What are some common variations of Call Break?

Some common variations of CallBreak include Trump Call, Individual Call, Partnership Call, Double Call, Blind Call, Progressive Call, and Cut-throat Call. Each variation has its own unique rules and challenges.

Is Call Break a cultural tradition?

Yes, Call Break is more than just a game for many people. It is a cultural tradition and a way to socialise with friends and family. The game is widely played in South Asia and is an important part of the region's cultural heritage.

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