Poker Terms

What is a Capped Range in Poker

By Bhupendra Chahar

Introduction As poker players, we always want to know whether our opponents

How to Play Ace Five Suited in Poker

By Bhupendra Chahar

Introduction We all know that A5s is a strong hand. But is it strong enough

ABC Strategy In Poker

By Bhupendra Chahar

Introduction ABC poker is a strategy that focuses on the fundamentals of gameplay.

Hijack Definition | What is the Hijack in Poker

By Bhupendra Chahar

What is Hijack in Poker Hijack in poker refers to a specific seat on the table,

What is the Muck in Poker

By Bhupendra Chahar

What is Muck Muck in poker means the pile of discarded cards on the table. These

Slow Play vs Fast Play in Poker

By Bhupendra Chahar

Introduction Slow playing is placing small bets even though you have a strong hand.

Cold Calling in Poker

By Bhupendra Chahar

Introduction The answer is not clear yet. A lot depends on the gameplay, the pot

What is Middle Position in Poker

By Bhupendra Chahar

Introduction The middle position (MP) is between the early and late positions

Poker Fish vs Poker Shark

By Bhupendra Chahar

Introduction All the poker pros have heard the term ‘Fish’ or ‘Shark’. Maybe someone

What is a Bomb Pot in Poker

By Bhupendra Chahar

Introduction Well, poker is all about the pot. Players bet aggressively to win that
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