What is Hold’em++?
Adda52 is revolutionizing the online poker world by introducing a never-before poker variant called Hold’em++.
Hold’em ++ is an easy-to-play game. The objective is simple - Create the best five-card hand per the hand ranking rules using the hole cards and community cards in any combination (using both, one, or none of the hole cards). The player with the best hand wins the pot.
The rules and gameplay are almost similar to the traditional Hold’em game but there is an added twist. Instead of having one card each at Turn and River, you will be dealt 2 cards each on both the streets. Albeit the additional 2 cards, the betting format remains the same as Hold’em.
Watch How to Play Hold’em ++ introductory video
Why you should play Hold'em++?
One of the most exciting features of Hold’em++ is - As you will be dealt 7 community cards as compared to 5 cards, the odds of improving the hand on Turn and River are higher. There are better chances to make the best 5-cards combination as compared to other poker variants.
You can scoop a big pot because of high action till showdown.
How to Play
Each player on the table receives 2 hole cards face-down.
After cards distribution, the first betting round (Pre-Flop) begins clockwise. It starts with the player sitting immediate left to the BB player. Each player has the option to call the big blind, fold, or raise as per the strength of his hole cards on his turn to act.
Once the betting round ends, three community cards are dealt face up on the board (Flop). Another round of betting occurs, starting from the player sitting left to the dealer, where each player can make a bet, check, raise, call, or fold.
After the round, two cards are dealt face-up (Turn), which is followed by another round of betting.
Once the third betting round is completed, Two more cards are flipped (River) and the final round of betting begins.
If all but one player fold their cards anytime during the betting rounds, the hand ends and the last remaining player wins the pot. If two or more players remain in the hand after the final betting round, they reveal their cards (Showdown) and the player with the best 5-card combination wins the pot.
How to create the best 5-card combination?
You have 4 ways to use your community cards to make the best 5 cards combination
Combo 1: Flop + 1st Turn + 1st River
Combo 2: Flop + 2nd Turn + 2nd River
Combo 3: Flop + 1st Turn + 2nd River
Combo 4: Flop + 2nd Turn + 1st River
For instance, you are dealt A♥,K♥ hole cards and the community cards are – Flop (A♣,2♥,3♣), Turn (9♥,A♦) and River (K♦,10♥). Now your 4 hand combinations are:
Combo 1: Two Pair - A♣,A♥, K♥,K♦, 9♥
Combo 2: Flush - A♥,K♥,10♥,9♥,2♥
Combo 3: Full House - A♣,A♦,A♥,K♥,K♦
Combo 4: Three of a Kind - A♣,A♦,A♥,K♥,10♥
So, Full House is your best 5 card combination in this hand.
How to Join?
This variant is available on designated cash tables in Adda52 Game lobby.
- Go to the game lobby
- Click on ‘Real’ tab and click on ‘Holdem++’
- Choose your ‘Blind/Stakes’and start playing
Head to the tables NOW to experience the action-packed game of Hold’em with a twist!
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