How to Play Teen Patti Game

How to Play Teen Patti Game


Teen Patti, also known as ‘Indian Poker’ and ‘Flush’, is one of the most popular card games in India. The game shares some similarities with poker but has its own unique rules and terminology. If you are a beginner and want to learn the fundamentals of this classic game, you have reached the right place. Here, we are going to provide you with a detailed, step-by-step guide on how to play Teen Patti.

Let’s get started!

How to Play Teen Patti

Teen Patti is played with a standard 52-card deck. The game can be played by 3–7 players. The objective of the game is to have the best hand (according to hand ranking) or to bluff your way to victory.


Choose The Dealer:

A standard deck of cards is used, and the joker cards are removed. Players sit in a circle, and the first dealer is chosen randomly. The dealer's position rotates clockwise after each round. Each player starts with an equal number of betting chips.

Place The Ante:

The game starts with each player placing an initial bet, known as "ante”. This bet is placed in the pot in the centre of the table.

Deal The Cards:

The dealer gives each player three cards face-down. Players can look at their cards, but they should keep them hidden from the other players.

Act On Your Turn:

Betting begins with the player sitting on the left of the dealer. Players take turns placing bets, or ‘chaal’. A chaal is a bet made to continue playing in the current round. The amount of the chaal can vary, and players must match the previous bet or raise it if they believe they have a strong hand.

Call: Match the current bet or the highest bet made by another player

Raise: Increase the current bet by adding more chips or money

Fold: If a player does not want to continue playing, he can choose to ‘pack’ (fold his hand). He loses his previous bets if he packs

Choose your Move According to the Hand Ranking:

Here is the Teen Patti hand ranking from highest to lowest:

1 - Trail (Three of a Kind)

A trail consists of three cards of the same rank and two other cards of different ranks. For example, having three 7s in your hand while the other two cards are of different ranks

2 - Pure Sequence (Straight Flush)

A pure sequence comprises three consecutive cards of the same suit. For example, having 4-5-6 hearts or 10-J-Q spades.

3 - Sequence (Run)

A sequence consists of three consecutive cards of mixed suits. For example, having 6-7-8 cards of different suits.

4 - Color (Flush)

A colour is formed by having three cards of the same suit, not necessarily in sequence. For example, having 3-7-9 clubs.

5 - Pair

A pair comprises two cards of the same rank and one card of a different rank. For example, have two 5s and one 9 in your hand.

6 - High Card

When none of the above combinations is achieved, the highest card in the hand determines the winner. For example, if your hand contains 10-8-3 different suits, the highest card is 10.

It is important to note that within each hand ranking, the specific cards matter. For example, in the case of a pair, having a pair of aces (A-A-3) is considered stronger than having a pair of kings (K-K-7).

Play Blind or Seen:

Players can make a choice between playing as ‘seen’ or ‘blind’.

Rules if you play ‘blind’ (without seeing your cards):

  • When the player acting before your turn also plays blind, you can bet either equal to or half the current stake
  • If the preceding player plays seen, you can bet equal to or double the current stake

Rules if you play ‘seen’ (after seeing your cards):

  • If the previous player plays blind, you can bet either double or quadruple the current stake
  • When the previous player plays seen, you can bet equal to or double the current stake

Following the betting rounds, the cards held by the remaining players are revealed.

In cases where only two players remain in the game, they must each contribute to the "show" by paying a stake.

For players who play ‘blind’:

  • If your opponent is also playing blind, you must pay the current stake
  • If your opponent plays seen, you need to pay half of the current stake

For players who play ‘seen’

  • If your opponent is also playing seen, you must pay the current stake
  • If your opponent plays blind, you must pay double the current stake

Request Slide Show:

When there are at least three players in the game and a seen player is following another seen player's turn, they can initiate a side-show request. The requested player has the option to accept or decline. If accepted, both players privately reveal their cards, and the one with the weaker hand is eliminated, while the game proceeds with the remaining players.


The showdown occurs when there are at least two active players remaining and all betting rounds are completed.

Players reveal their cards, and the player with the highest-ranking hand wins the pot.

Winning Rules

If two players have the same type of hand (for example, two players have a pure sequence), the player with the higher-ranking cards wins. If still tied, the pot is split between them.

If, at any point during the game, all players fold their cards except one, the game concludes, and the remaining player becomes the winner.

The winner receives chips or money equivalent to the pot. The game can continue with a new round, starting with the ante.

Yes, that’s how easy it is to play the game of Teen Patti!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I play teen patti online?

Yes, there are many online platforms and mobile apps that offer teen patti.

Note: Adda52 does not host any format of teen patti games.

What are the similarities between teen patti and poker?

  • Both poker and teen patti are played with a standard deck of 52 cards
  • In both games, players take turns betting, and there is an element of bluffing involved
  • Both games use hand rankings to determine the winner of a round or hand. The player with the best hand (according to the predefined hand rankings) wins the pot

What are the differences between teen patti and poker?

  • In most poker variants, players are dealt two private (hole) cards, and there are five community cards that can be used by all players. The goal is to make the best possible hand using a combination of these cards. In Teen Patti, each player is typically dealt three cards, and the game is played with these three cards only

  • Poker has various betting structures, including no-limit, pot-limit, and fixed-limit. These structures determine the maximum bet or raise a player can make in a round. Teen Patti often has fixed betting limits, and players can usually only bet a predetermined amount in each round

  • Poker places a strong emphasis on skill, strategy, and the ability to read opponents. Luck plays no role on the game table, as skilled players can consistently win over the long term. Teen Patti is a luck-based game, as the player's hand is dealt at random, and there is less opportunity to employ complex strategies


Teen Patti is a fun and engaging card game that is enjoyed by many in India and beyond. What matters most is to play responsibly and within your financial means when you sit on real money tables. It is important to ensure that everyone at the table understands the rules before starting the game.

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