How to Become a Calm and Patient Poker Player

Improving patience is crucial for Poker players as it can lead to better decision-making and overall success at the game table. Patience helps you avoid making impulsive or emotionally driven moves and allows you to wait for the right opportunities.

Here are some techniques to help poker players enhance their patience, concentration, and self-control –

Breathing Exercises

Breathing exercises are a fundamental component of many relaxation and stress management techniques. They are especially valuable because they help bring your focus to the present moment and reduce anxiety.

Diaphragmatic Breathing:

This technique, also known as deep or belly breathing, involves breathing deeply into your abdomen rather than shallowly into your chest. The benefits of diaphragmatic breathing include:

Stress Reduction: Deep breathing triggers the relaxation response in your body, reducing the production of stress hormones.

Improved Focus: By concentrating on your breath, you redirect your attention away from distractions, helping you stay more present and patient.

Emotional Control: Deep breaths can help you manage emotional reactions, preventing impulsive decisions during online Poker games.

Mindfulness Meditation:

Mindfulness meditation is a technique that involves paying deliberate attention to your thoughts, emotions, and sensations without judgment. It is about observing your mental processes without reacting to them immediately.

Breath Awareness: In mindfulness meditation, one of the most common practices is to focus your attention on your breath. You can either concentrate on the sensation of your breath entering and leaving your nostrils or the rise and fall of your abdomen as you breathe.

Observing Thoughts: During meditation, thoughts will inevitably arise. Instead of trying to suppress them, acknowledge them without judgment and gently bring your focus back to your breath.

Body Scan: Another practice in mindfulness meditation is the body scan. This involves directing your attention systematically through different parts of your body, noticing any sensations or tension without trying to change them.

The benefit of mindfulness meditation:

Regular mindfulness meditation sessions can train your mind to be more aware of your thoughts and emotions in daily life, helping you remain patient and composed in high-pressure situations on the Poker table.


Visualizations refer to the mental practice of imagining a specific situation or scenario in your mind. This involves creating a mental image of yourself at the Poker table, engaged in gameplay.

Visualization is a powerful technique used in sports psychology and various competitive fields to enhance performance, build confidence, and improve mental resilience.

Imagery Practice: Imagery practice, also known as mental imagery or mental rehearsal, is the process of using your imagination to simulate real-life experiences..

Do it before playing: The suggestion is to engage in this visualization exercise before you actually sit down to play Poker. It serves as a mental warm-up, helping you prepare your mind for the challenges ahead.

Visualize yourself playing the game: This means picturing yourself physically present at a Poker table, surrounded by other players, and the setting where the game takes place..

Make decisions: While in your mental scenario, envision yourself making decisions in a composed and patient manner. This is crucial in Poker, as impulsive or emotional decisions can lead to poor outcomes.

Imagine yourself handling losses: Poker involves wins and losses, and dealing with losses can be emotionally challenging. Visualize yourself accepting losses with grace, not letting them affect your composure, and staying focused on the game instead of dwelling on past hands.

Stress Reduction Techniques:

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

This technique involves consciously tensing and then releasing different muscle groups in your body to reduce physical tension and promote relaxation. It is an effective method for reducing physical manifestations of stress, such as muscle tightness and stiffness. By regularly practicing progressive muscle relaxation, you can learn to recognize and alleviate physical tension, which can be particularly beneficial in high-pressure situations on the Poker table..


Yoga helps you improve flexibility, reduce stress, and enhance emotional stability. The controlled breathing exercises in yoga can be especially useful for maintaining composure and patience during intense Poker sessions.


Listening to calming music, such as classical, ambient, or instrumental tracks, before and during your Poker sessions can create a soothing atmosphere. This can help reduce stress and anxiety, which in turn promotes patience and a clear mind for decision-making.


Emotion Tracking: Regardless of the card game you choose to play (Poker, Rummy, or Teen Patti), it is advisable to keep a journal where you record your emotions, decisions, and outcomes during gaming sessions. It helps you hone your knowledge of the basics (hand rankings, Teen Patti sequence, table positions, etc.) and gain insight into your behavior patterns. By identifying triggers for impatience or emotional reactions, you can develop strategies to manage them better in the future.

Gratitude Journaling: Cultivating gratitude in your daily life can have a positive impact on your mental state, including at the game table. Reflecting on the things you are thankful for can help you maintain a more positive outlook, which can translate to increased patience and resilience during challenging moments in the game.

Time Management:

Time management matters in all parts of life, even when it comes to activities like playing games. Poker is one of the top money earning games in India, drawing players from all regions. To stand out in the competition, maintaining discipline and focus while playing is essential.  You have to set session limits and schedule breaks to ensure responsible and enjoyable participation in the games.

Set Session Limits

Setting session limits means deciding how long you intend to engage in playing a game and adhering to that predefined time frame. Here’s why this approach is valuable:

Avoid Impulsive Decisions: When you set a specific time limit, you create a sense of structure for your activity. This structure helps you resist impulsive decisions that may lead to excessive gaming. Knowing that you have a fixed timeframe encourages you to make the most of your gaming experience without going overboard.

Budget Management: Session limits also assist in managing your budget effectively. By deciding on a predetermined duration, you can allocate a set amount of money for that session. This prevents you from overspending or chasing losses.

Maintain a Balanced Life: Setting session limits ensures that you don’t neglect other important aspects of your life, such as work, family, and social commitments. It helps you strike a balance between gaming and your responsibilities.

Reduced Risk of Addiction: For those who are susceptible to gaming addiction, setting session limits is a protective measure. It helps you break the cycle of compulsive behavior by enforcing a controlled timeframe.

Scheduled Breaks:

Incorporating short breaks during your gaming sessions is another vital time management technique. Here is why it’s beneficial:

Mental Refreshment: Scheduled breaks provide an opportunity to refresh your mind and reduce mental fatigue. This, in turn, helps you make better decisions and maintain focus in the game.

Physical Well-being: Staring at a screen for extended periods can take a toll on your health. Scheduled breaks let you stretch, hydrate, and take care of your well-being, reducing the risk of physical discomfort.

Enhanced Decision-Making: Breaks give you a chance to reflect on your strategies. You can analyze your performance, consider different approaches, and make more informed decisions when you return to the activity.

Remember that improving patience is an ongoing process. It requires consistent practice and self-awareness. Implementing a combination of these techniques can help Poker players develop the patience needed to make better decisions and ultimately enhance their overall performance at the table.

Adda52 is one of the leading Poker sites in India where you can play the action-packed card game anytime and from anywhere. If you are a new player, it is recommended to play at low stakes to learn basic Poker rules and acquaint yourself with the competitive and intense environment of the online Poker room before switching to high stakes.

Don’t wait! Join the game NOW!

Bhupendra Chahar
Bhupendra Chahar from Agra, a professional with a master's degree in Computer Science. He has over a decade of expertise in the world of poker. As a seasoned poker player, he understands the complexities of the game. Through his blogs, readers can gain valuable insight to improve their card game skills.

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