What Hands To Play In Poker

Position is crucial in poker and our latest infographic will teach you to play poker positionally.

We can split positions into 4 categories:

  • Early positions – 3 seats directly to the left of the big blind
  • Middle positions – 3 seats directly to the left of the last early position
  • Late positions – 2 seats directly to the right of the small blind. The later position, the more hands you can play.
  • Blinds – seats that post forced bets preflop – small blind and big blind

In the poker games, when there have been no raises, you should play the following poker hands:

  • Early position – JJ, QQ, KK, AA and AK
  • Middle position – 99, TT, JJ, QQ, KK, AA, AQ, AK
  • Late position and blinds – 77, 88, 99, TT, JJ, QQ, KK, AA, KQ, AJ, AQ, and AK

Likewise, with raises before or behind you, you should tighten up:

  • 1 raiser before you – JJ, QQ, KK, AA and AK
  • 2 and more raisers before you – KK and AA
  • 1 and more raisers behind you – TT, JJ, QQ, KK, AA, and AK
  • If there is a raise behind you and you hold a hand that is not listed above (for example 77) – Fold.

On the flop, you should bet and raise every time you have:

  •   Top pair with at least a jack kicker
  •   Over pair, two pair, and better
  •   Flush draw or open-ended straight draw if you were the pre flop raiser
  •   Any hand if you were the pre flop raiser and there is only one caller on the flop

Watch Now “Best Poker Starting Hands” Video

Anukant Sharma, a strategic thinker and poker aficionado, merges his decade-long gaming expertise with captivating storytelling. His journey is marked by a quest for knowledge and a commitment to crafting compelling narratives that captivate readers.

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