Rummy 500 - How to Play, Rules, Tips & Tricks

Rummy 500


500 Rummy card game traces its origins to the early 20th century, evolving from traditional Rummy games. Originating from the United States, it has spread globally as a beloved pastime. Here's a detailed guide on how to play Rummy 500.

What is Rummy 500?

500 Rummy game, also known as Pinochle Rummy, is a popular variant of the classic Rummy. It is typically played with 2 to 8 players and a standard 52-card deck. The game is similar to standard Rummy but with a few key differences.


The main objective of 500 Rummy card game is to be the first player to reach 500 points or more. Points are earned by forming sets and sequences of cards and laying them down on the table.

How to Play Rummy 500: Step-by-step Guide

  • Use a standard 52-card deck for 2-4 players. For 5 or more players, use two decks shuffled together.
  • Select a dealer randomly. The dealer shuffles the deck and deals cards clockwise one at a time until each player has received their initial hand.
  • The number of cards dealt to each player depends on the total number of players -

    • 2 players: 13 cards each
    • 3-4 players: 7 cards each
    • 5+ players: 6 cards each
  • The player to the left of the dealer begins the game. Play continues clockwise.
  • On a player's turn, they can either draw a card from the stock pile or the discard pile.
  • If they draw from the stock pile, they take the top card and add it to their hand.
  • If they draw from the discard pile, they take the top card but must also take all the cards on top of it.
  • After drawing, the player must then choose one card to discard. The discarded card is placed face-up on top of the discard pile.
  • The main goal is to form sets and sequences of cards in your hand. 
  • Once a player has formed valid sets and sequences totaling 500 points or more in their hand, they can lay them down on the table. This is called ‘going out’.
  • After going out, the other players have one final turn to lay down any additional sets or sequences and get rid of as many cards as possible.
  • At the end of each round, players score points based on the cards left in their hands:

    • Number cards (2-10): Face value
    • Face cards (J, Q, K): 10 points each
    • Aces: 15 points each
    • Jokers (if used): 25 points each
  • The game continues with subsequent rounds until a player reaches 500 points or more.
  • The player who reaches or exceeds 500 points at the end of a round is declared the winner.

Rummy 500 Rules

  • A set consists of three or four cards of the same rank but different suits (for example - 8 of Hearts, 8 of Diamonds, 8 of Clubs). A sequence consists of three or more consecutive cards of the same suit (for example - 4, 5, 6 of Hearts).
  • Some variations of Rummy 500 include the use of joker cards, which can substitute for any other card in sets or sequences.
  • If a player fails to form a valid set or sequence when going out, they may be penalized with points for the cards remaining in their hand.
  • Players may choose to ‘meld’ cards before going out, which involves laying down sets or sequences on the table without needing to go out immediately.

Rummy 500 Variations

Here are some of the most popular variations of Rummy game - 

Contract Rummy

In contract rummy, players must fulfill specific contracts or objectives in each round. For example, in one round, players might be required to form two sets and one run to go out. The contracts can vary from round to round. Players have to meet the current contract while also working toward their long-term goal of reaching 500 points.

Kalooki (Jamaican Rummy)

Kalooki is a popular version of Rummy 500 played with two decks of cards, including jokers. Jokers can be used as wild cards to substitute for any other card in sets or runs.

Gin Rummy 500

This variation combines elements of Gin Rummy with 500 Rummy game. Players aim to form sets and runs, but unlike in standard Rummy 500, the game is played with a discard pile rather than a stockpile. Players can choose to draw the top card from the discard pile or the stockpile on their turn. The game ends when a player goes out, and points are calculated based on the cards left in the other players' hands.

Progressive Rummy

In progressive rummy, players must meet progressively more challenging requirements as the game progresses. For example, in the first round, players might need to form two sets, and in the second round, they might need to form one set and one run. The requirements continue to increase until a player reaches the final round and goes out to end the game.

Knock Rummy

Similar to Gin Rummy 500, this variation involves players trying to knock or end the round by forming sets and runs with the lowest possible deadwood (unmatched cards). If a player's deadwood is lower than the predetermined threshold, they can knock to end the round and minimize their opponents' scoring opportunities.

Rummy 500 Tips & Tricks

Understand the Basics

Make sure you understand the basic rules of 500 Rummy game. This includes knowing how to deal cards, the objective of the game, how to form melds (sequences and sets), and how scoring works.

Prioritize High-Value Cards

In Rummy 500, high-value cards such as face cards and aces carry more points. Try to prioritize melding these cards, especially if you have multiple copies of them. Also, try to discard high-value cards that you cannot use in melds to minimize your penalty points if your opponent goes out.

Be Flexible with Your Strategy

While it is important to have a plan, be prepared to adapt based on the cards you receive and the moves of your opponents. Sometimes, the cards you initially planned to meld may not materialize, or your opponent's strategy might force you to change your approach.

Keep Track of Discards

Pay attention to the cards your opponents discard, as well as the ones you discard yourself. This can help you find out which cards are safe to discard and which ones your opponents might need for their melds.

Strive for Pure Sequences

Pure sequences (sequences without any jokers) are highly valuable in Rummy 500, as they carry zero penalty points. Try to prioritize forming pure sequences early in the game, as they can reduce your overall score if your opponent goes out.

Use Jokers Wisely

Jokers are wild cards that can be used to substitute any other card to form melds. Use them strategically to complete sequences or sets, but avoid relying too heavily on them, especially in the early stages of the game when you have other options for melding.

Bluffing and Misdirection

Occasionally, bluffing can be an effective tactic in Rummy 500. Discarding cards that you don't need but making them appear valuable to your opponent may discourage them from picking them up. Similarly, you can misdirect your opponents by discarding cards that you actually need. This can confuse your opponents and make it harder for them to predict your next move.

Calculating Probabilities

As the game progresses, try to calculate the probabilities of certain cards being available based on the cards that have already been played and the ones in your hand. This can help you make more strategic decisions about which cards to pick up or discard. For example, if you need a specific card to complete a sequence or set, assess the likelihood of drawing that card from the remaining deck versus picking up a different card or waiting for your opponent to discard it.

Selective Blocking

Pay attention to your opponents' melds and try to anticipate which cards they need to complete their sequences or sets. When possible, hold onto or pick up cards that could potentially block them from completing their melds. Be strategic about which cards you block. Focus on blocking cards that are more likely to disrupt your opponents' plans or increase their penalty points if they are unable to complete their melds.

Keeping Your Hand Hidden

Minimize the information you give away about your hand by being selective about which cards you discard. Avoid discarding cards that could reveal your strategy or melds to your opponents. Discard cards that are less likely to be useful to your opponents, while still maintaining a balanced hand that allows you to adapt to different situations.

Forced Discards

Try to force your opponents into discarding cards that you need by creating situations where they have no other viable options. This can be particularly effective when you have a good understanding of your opponents' strategies and the cards they need.

Timing Your Moves

Be strategic about when you choose to go out. If you have a strong hand and your opponents are likely to have high penalty points, consider delaying going out to further increase their scores. If you have a weaker hand and your opponents are close to going out, consider going out early to minimize your penalty points.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Rummy 500 rules?

The rules of Rummy 500 are relatively simple. Players are dealt a hand of cards and take turns drawing from a central deck or discard pile and discarding unwanted cards. The goal is to form sets and sequences. A player can also lay off cards on existing sets or runs on the table. The round ends when a player goes out by forming sets and runs with all their cards or discarding their last card. 

What is an ace worth in Rummy 500?

In Rummy 500, Aces are typically worth 1 point each. They can be used to form high runs (for example - King, Ace, Two) or low runs (for example - Ace, Two, Three), providing flexibility in creating sequences.

Is Rummy played with 5 or 7 cards?

Rummy games can be played with various numbers of cards depending on the variant being played. In Rummy 500, players are typically dealt a hand of 10 cards each if there are two players, and fewer if there are more players. However, there are variations of Rummy, such as Gin Rummy, where players are dealt 7 cards each.

Can you play Rummy 500 online?

Yes, Rummy 500 is available to play online through various gaming platforms and websites. Players can compete against other players from around the world. Online versions often offer features such as tutorials, multiplayer modes, and customizable settings to enhance the gaming experience.


Rummy 500 is a game of skill and strategy. With its simple rules and endless possibilities for skillful play, it provides hours of entertainment for players of all ages. Whether you are forming sets and sequences, strategizing your discards, or aiming to go out at just the right moment, every decision matters in this captivating card game.

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