Go Fish, also called Fish, is a very popular card game. Its simplicity and accessibility make it a favourite choice for players of all ages.
A standard 52-card is used to play the game. Some cards are dealt while the rest form the stockpile. The goal is to make more books, which are nothing but any four of a kind.
If you are new or an experienced player, this blog will give you insights about the game. You will also learn step-by-step instructions on how to play, and gain some tricks and tips to improve your skills.
The objective of this game is to collect sets of four cards of the same rank or four of a kind, called ‘Book’. The winner is the player who has collected the most books or groups of four cards by the end of the game.
What is the Go Fish Card Game?
Go Fish is a classic card game, typically played with 2-6 players. The objective of this game is to collect sets of four cards of the same rank or four of a kind, called ‘Book’.
Players take turns asking each other for specific cards to complete their sets. If the opponent has the requested card, they must give it to the asking player. If not, the asking player draws a card from the deck.
The game continues until all sets have been completed, and the player with the most books at the end wins.
The Deal
To start the game, each player is dealt a hand of cards from the deck. The number of cards dealt to each player depends on the total number of players.
In two or three-player games, each player receives seven cards. In a four- or five-player game, everyone receives five cards. The remaining cards are placed face down to form the stock.
How To Play Go Fish Card Game?
Here are the four main steps to play the Go Fish card game:
- Asking for cards: Players take turns asking opponents for specific cards to match those already in their hand.
- Responding to requests: If the opponent has the requested card(s), they must hand them over. If not, they reply, "Go fish" and the player draws a card from the deck.
- Completing sets: When a player collects a set of four cards of the same rank, they lay the set face up on the table.
- End of the game: The game continues until all sets have been formed. The player with the most sets at the end wins.
Go Fish Card Game Rules
The primary rule of ‘Go Fish’ is to form as many groups of four of a kind as you can. Here are some other rules:
- Players must ask for a specific rank of card.
- If a player receives the card they asked for, they get another turn.
- If a player draws the card they asked for from the deck, they keep their turn.
- If a player runs out of cards in their hand, they draw five new cards from the deck.
Go Fish Card Game Process
- Shuffle the cards: The group decides on an individual who shuffles the deck of cards and does not try to peep through the cards.
- Deal the cards: The same individual who shuffled the cards, now evenly distributes them among the players. In the game of 2 players - we offer 7 cards to each player while as the number of players increases, we offer 5 cards to each player.
- Place the cards face-down: Once the dealer distributes the cards, he puts the remaining cards face down on the table.
- Start playing: Now that all the players have cards in their hands, they can play. The game continues till there is no card left with the players.
Here are some strategies you can use to win the game:
- Pay attention to the cards that opponents ask for and the ones they receive. This helps in remembering which cards are likely to be in their hands and which are safe to ask for.
- Use strategic bluffing to mislead opponents about the cards you possess. This can involve asking for cards you already have or pretending to have a specific card to trick opponents into giving you the cards you need.
- Prioritize collecting sets of four cards of the same rank. This increases your chances of winning by earning more points.
- Observe the number of cards opponents draw when they "go fish." If they draw multiple cards of the same rank, it indicates they may be collecting a set.
Frequently asked question
How do you play the card game Go Fish?
To play Go Fish, each player starts with a hand of cards. Players take turns asking opponents for specific cards to match those in their hands.
If the opponent has the requested card, they must give it. If not, the player draws a card from the deck. The goal is to collect sets of four cards of the same rank.
Is Go Fish 5 or 7 cards?
Go Fish can be played with either 5 or 7 cards dealt to each player. For 4 or more players, 5 cards are dealt to each player.
Go Fish offers fun gameplay suitable for players of all ages. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned player, Go Fish provides hours of entertainment and social interaction.
So get a pack of cards and start playing Go Fish now!