How to Play 10 9 in Poker

Texas Holdem – How to Play 10,9

Ten Nine or T9 is another hand which is dependent on hitting a straight. These starting poker hands aren’t very strong and only prove their worth when a straight is flopped. And the problem with this hand is that even if you hit your straight you know it isn’t the nuts and there is another one higher than yours. T9 suited is a better one than the unsuited one but again, if you get your flush you should be wary of the four higher flush combinations possible.

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How to play this hand?

Nowhere in the rules of poker is it mentioned that a hand just has to be played. So T9 is such a hand which should be mucked from all positions if it is off-suit. T9 suited gives you a slightly better probability and thus can be played from all positions but post flop if you see yourself drawing dead, then it is best to lay them down. There are high chances that your opponents will be holding over cards when you are playing T9 off/suited so play with caution and don’t get stuck in a gutshot. Play either with top pair or straight draw and weight your chances if no raise is made. Any raise post the flop and it is time to kiss them goodbye.

When Played at Adda52

On the online poker tables of Adda52, player maja23 was dealt 10 9 of clubs and he called the blinds. prerakshah with 2s Qs and newbie_oops with 3h Js who had posted the blinds also limped in and saw the flop which was Kc 6c 5d. maja23 had a flush draw while the others had drawn dead. Everyone checked and saw the turn Ks. The river was 2c and maja23 got the flush he was looking for. He raised to 150 and prerakshah with small pair called. Thus playing after you have a made hand is a good strategy for poker as maja23 displayed with 10-9.

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