How to Play Pocket King in Poker

Texas Holdem – How to Play 2 Kings

Most players would rate pocket Kings (KK) as the second best hole cards in Texas Holdem Poker. With a high probability of winning with The Knights as the poker starting hands, Two Kings have aggression written all the way on them. They dominate all other pocket pairs and have a 80% chance of prevailing.

Go with your gut

Always play your pocket kings like you are the strongest on the table thus raising a few times the big blind. But if you are met with a re-raise then go with your gut and it might be that you run into pocket aces or an Ace King. But the Knights still have the edge over the latter and might come weak against Aces. But if your gut says you are stronger then go for it. Show aggression, there may be that unlucky day when you face aces but on all other times, the pocket kings will come out on top if raised properly.

Change gear sometimes

If you are one of those lucky people who get pocket kings many times, then you might want to shift gears sometimes. Though raising big is the best poker strategy for Kings, but limping in sometimes might confuse your opponents. Mix your play and sometimes that might work best.

When Played at Adda52

This is what happened in a poker tournament in our Indian poker portal, Player mihir2700 paid the price for not being aggressive on a table where he was the favorite to start with. He was the second highest stack, had middle position and had K c and K h. With blinds at 25/50, he only raised to 100 which saw three more players limp in. The flop was 4c 10 h and 6 h. rover34 with K d and 8 d didn’t get any help and checked and was followed by jokalai whose starting poker hands were 2 h and J d. mihir2700 again had position but didn’t make use of it and raised 100 again. Ronie77841 with the smallest starting hand with 2c and 3d was looking at a gutshot and called.

The turn was 2d which got Ronie77841 bottom pair and mihir2700 was still highest hand. At this point he should’ve pressed the button and gone all in. but he again slow played it and only raised 100 which was called by a very aggressive Ronie77841. The river was 5h and Ronie77841 had hit his straight, his chase had paid off. When mihir2700 again raised 150, he re-raised. mihir2700 didn’t catch the hint and called. He lost his edge from the moment he let so many players see the flop. Thus the poker tip that aggression is the best way for two kings is the most suitable thing to do.

On the other hand, during the Sunday finals, Pocket Kings came out on top when jyojyo played smartly and aggressively. mpad with the smallest stack of 196 saw J d K c and went all in. jyojyo called and satish55 with A h and 4 h also called. The flop was all diamonds with Q d , 5 d, 8 d and neutral for all. jyojyo took matters in his hand seeing no over pair and went all in. satish55 needed 792 to call and folded. The turn was As and satish55 would have got top pair if he had called but the aggressive play from jyojyo proved too hot for him to handle. The river was 6c thus giving jyojyo a deserving victory.

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