How to Play Q 9 in Poker

Texas Holdem – How to Play Q9

Typically not ranked high and not considered a good hand, Queen Nine (Q9) is the 83rd highest starting poker hand. 50% of the times Q9 should be folded from any position except button or the blinds. It will be considered a good lay down if you play these cards and don’t get into a mess.

Only in late position and short stack

The only possible circumstance to play comfortably with Q9 in the game of poker is when you are short stacked and are the button or cutoff. Then you can risk going all in. but don’t consider even calling if you are in middle or early position and staring at Q9. Off suit or suited, both are weak poker hands and is best given up in texas hold’em.

Never enter with Q9 in a raised pot. One royal doesn’t guarantee a win thus simply play your position else muck them.

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When Played at Adda52

In the Saturday Finals on April 7th 2012 of online poker at adda52, player sathk was small blind and saw Qd 9c. Four players saw the flop which was 2d Jc Kc. sathk had got a gutshot and sandy with 9s Jd had paired up but didn’t raise. bharath241789 with Ad Jh had also paired up with top kicker. Everyone checked and saw the turn which was 10c. Now sathk had hit his straight but uncertainly loomed as there was a club flush chance. He raised to 3 times big blind which was a value bet and bharath241789 and sandy both limped in. The river was 4h which was not useful to any and the straight of sathk was good enough. He went all in and bharath241789 called while sandy wisely folded. It was a good poker strategy for sathk to go slow and only raise once a strong hand was made.

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