How to Play Ace Queen in Poker

Texas Holdem – How to Play AQ

No matter which poker hand rankings you see, Ace Queen will certainly make the top 10. A suited one will give you another 2% edge over others. So a Little Slick or Anthony/Cleopatra as it is known amongst poker professionals is surely the top 10% starting hand in Texas Holdem. But what is the best way to play them?

Don’t raise!

At a larger table (more than 5), it is not advisable to raise your Ace Queen as you might be met with a re-raise. And re-raises generally mean you have run into high pocket pairs which in turn will lower your winning odds. Another poker tip while playing Ace queen is to consider your position. If you are the button and others fold along the way then you can raise and try to get others to fold. See your community and then formulate what is to be done.

Weigh your stack

If one is short stack and is raised, then it is best to move all in rather than limp in and then see your flop cards. If you move all in you might get the others to fold and move heads up. If it is a smaller table or heads up, then the best poker strategy is to hit the accelerator. Apply the pressure pre-flop and who knows you become the dominator.

When Played at Adda52

A very interesting Ace Queen situation popped up on the 11th March Daily 1K final on Adda52. With five players in the poker game and the blinds at 25/50, player rover34 was big blind when he saw A h and Q h. His stack was below table average and thus he was in no mood to raise pre-flop.  Only three players saw the flop which was J s, 4 c, 7 h thus drawing nothing for rover34. Vishesh with 5 h, 10 h also drew dead while dhiraj27 with J c K s got high pair at the table. Vishesh was first to act and checked, rover34 raised 100 which was casually called by dhiraj27 and Vishesh mucked.

The turn was A c thus giving rover34 top pair now. He again raised 100 not giving any hints of him hitting it on the turn. dhiraj27 called again relying on his pair of jacks. The river was 2 s which didn’t mean anything for either player.  rover34 again raised thus getting dhiraj27 all in. He won the pot and eliminated dhiraj27. So sometimes smooth playing your Ace queen and managing your position well is also a good way.

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