How to Play Ace King in Poker

Texas Holdem – How to Play AK

Popularly called the Big Slick (when suited), Ace King is easily one of the top five starting poker hands. It is a monster of a hand and can help you in drawing in a huge pot. If you hit even one of your cards on the flop, then you will hold high pair with top picker and aggression can take you to a huge pot winning.

It is a drawing hand

Ace King is a huge drawing hand and an opportunity to get the chasers out of the way. This poker hand has to be raised from all positions and raised to an extent where all chasers go out and you don’t see the flop against too many opponents. ACE King is a very good starting hand in Texas hold’em but can be improved as showdown arrives. Even if someone doesn’t see a pair on the flop, a continuation bet is a good thing. A quality bet can make your opponent re-analyse his pot odds and thus fold.

Take control before the flop

Taking control of the game pre-flop will be the best poker tip for a strong hand like Big Slick. So the only poker strategy you have to adopt pre-flop for this big hand is to understand the amount you raise pre-flop. This can depend on how the game play has proceeded so far, if you are playing against tight or loose players. If you are playing against tight players then the raise can be 3-4 times big blind but if the players are loose in their poker play, then you should raise higher, maybe upto 8 times big blind. And if met with a raise before your bet comes, then re-raise is the only way to go.

When Played at Adda52

In a nine player table of the LED finals at Adda52, player amarjeet1989 saw As Ks as his starting poker hand and was first to act. With the blinds at 4/8, he raised to 32 and was called by two more. nkchap with suited J 9 of clubs called and chintan2111 with shortest stack and pocket sixes came to see the flop. The flop was Ac 10s Qh. The rainbow didn’t earn anyone a flush chance but gave amarjeet1989 top pair top kicker. It also gave nkchap a very good straight draw and thus a risky position for amarjeet1989. At this point amarjeet1989 with table average stack went all which was a very good thing to do. nkchap called and the turn was s2 which also gave amarjeet1989 a flush draw and increased his chances of winning. The river was s8 and amarjeet1989 got his flush and nkchap his straight. But amarjeet1989 had won on the sheer strength of his online poker skill.

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